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The Dorset Children’s Foundation is a member of the Institute of Fundraising. There are various rules and restrictions around fundraising and this document aims to simply set out some of the main points on how to fundraise safely and in compliance with the law, which is of paramount importance. Full details can be found on the Institute of Fundraising website: . Restrictions are described below, however if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • All literature must state fundraising “in aid”of The DCF and include our registered charity number: 1150538
  • Raffles do have strict rules on how they are run. If you plan on selling and drawing your raffle tickets on the same day then the rules are more relaxed if:
  • You do not spend more than £500 on prizes
  • Tickets are only sold at the event
  • There are no cash prizes
  • If you plan on selling tickets over a period of time you must get bespoke tickets printed
  • If you are planning to sell alcohol at your event then you may need a licence and should liaise with your local authority on how to obtain this.
  • Therefore it is often easier to use venues that already have a licence to sell alcohol.
  • YOU are personally responsible for checking that insurances and licences are in place. The DCF will not accept liability and you cannot not rely on any insurances held by us.


In private premises you will need to acquire the permission of the Owner/Manager to place sponsorship forms or
collection tins/buckets. For public areas such as town centres and streets you will need license from your local
Authority. When collecting please note that you must remain stationary and not cause any distress or inconven- ience to members of the public or litter. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO MAKE DOOR TO DOOR COLLECTIONS.


PLEASE NOTE: Once you have collected your cash you must adhere to the following control rules this is for everyone’s safety:

  • Two persons present in handling and recording the money received
  • Collection tins are individually numbered on the seals and their issue date and return is recorded
  • All cash collected is banked within 7 days using the event or child’s name as reference along with an email to with the amount, date banked and child’s name.
  • This will be added to the relevant fundraising account once confirmed


Acc Name: The Dorset Children’s Foundation Acc Number: 73226662
Sort Code: 20-11-39
Bank: Barclays Bank


For more information of Fundraising Safely please visit the Fundraising Regulator website.

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