Funded: Yoga Therapy
Stanley has Cerebral Palsy, is a full term wheelchair user and is autistic. Stanley’s autism means that he finds things tough on not just a physical level, these sessions have been invaluable to help him achieve a sense of calm and wellbeing and a foundation to move forward. Without your support this wouldn’t have been possible, thank you for your tireless fundraising and dedication to help extra special children like Stanley.’
We received this lovely message from his mum Leela .... ‘
Just wanted to send our sincere thanks to all on the DCF team for funding fortnightly yoga/physio sessions for Stanley with the wonderful Jane. He has been working on various yoga moves to help with his strength, balance and body awareness. The sessions concluded with relaxation and breathing which, for the only time apart from when he’s asleep, help him to be completely still.
Stanley’s autism means that he finds things tough on not just a physical level, these sessions have been invaluable to help him achieve a sense of calm and wellbeing and a foundation to move forward. Without your support this wouldn’t have been possible, thank you for your tireless fundraising and dedication to help extra special children like Stanley.’
Thank You To Everyone Who Helped And Donated.