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Otto raised £23,000

August 22, 2019

This little boy helped Santiago last year and last month we were delighted to send the £18,172 he raised to Jude for a SDR operation. This is Ottos story .

‘My name is Otto, I am 6 and like Jude I have CP. In January 2018 I had SDR surgery to get rid of the spasticity in my legs. Before my operation I could walk independently but struggled to go far and fell over lots- the 10 minute walk to school was really tough! I couldn’t jump or climb stairs on my own but I tried very hard to keep up with my school friends. Since my operation I have had to work really hard with my physiotherapist and do lots of activities and exercises at home. I have learned how to run, jump, climb stairs and can now play football and rugby with my friends.
My family and I felt so lucky that I was able to have this operation that has changed all of our lives. We decided that we wanted to help other children with CP who would benefit from SDR but were trying to raise the funds.
In August last year, 8 months after my surgery, I took part in a disability triathlon called the SuperHero Tri Series. I swam 150m, cycled 3km and ran 1km with my brother and sister there to cheer me on- I would never have managed this before my surgery! Together we raised over £23,000 in sponsorship money and I ended up being nominated for the Pride of Britain Young Fundraiser of the Year Award.

Some of the money has been used to help another little boy with the cost of his post SDR physiotherapy but I would like to donate the remaining £18,172 towards the cost of Jude’s SDR operation. My family and I want to wish Jude all the luck in the world – we know you are a superhero just like me!

With lots of love from Otto and the Barwell Family xxxx Otto’s SDR Guy Barwell.
Isn’t this a beautiful story

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