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Press Release

April 16, 2020

The Easter Bunny comes in many forms!

Small local charity The Dorset Children’s Foundation support some of the most vulnerable children in our community.

With their charity shops closed and their popular Accessible for All events cancelled due to COVID-19 they have looked at ways to support their families in the current situation.

Many of the children have already been indoors for weeks due to their conditions.

The Charity have got together a team of volunteers to deliver vital medicines and food parcels where necessary to the families.

In addition the charity’s Founder Patsy Hallmey who knows each family well is in constant contact on the phone as well as their trained Counsellor has been made available for phone appointments, which is proving to be a great service and much needed by many parents.






The local community have been amazing, and Tesco Express in Holdenhurst Road donated over 70 Easter goody bags. The charity put together Easter craft boxes with Easter bonnets and decorating materials and these were delivered door to door by the volunteers.





Patsy Hallmey said: ‘This would not of been possible without the help of a local bikers group who have been volunteering for up to 12 hours a day delivering food and medicine to the vulnerable.
They don’t have a name but I’m going to call them Harry’s Hero’s. Kids and parents alike were just so thrilled to see them and hear their bikes. What a wonderful bunch’

If you would like to learn more, donate to help us continue these vital deliveries or get involved please visit

Contact: Adrienne Coles
Head of Marketing Tel: 07955 231779

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