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Support your SEND, School aged child

June 10, 2020

BCP Council would like to know how best to support your SEND, School aged child.
A letter from Julian Radcliff, Service Director, Inclusion & Family Services.

‘Dear Parents and Carers,
COVID-19 has brought many challenges to our communities and in ways that could not have been expected. I am, however, very aware there are a number of children and young people, who have been unable to attend schools for many weeks now, and this includes those with SEND and in many cases EHC plans. There are a number of reasons for this, which include (but are certainly not limited to): the challenges experienced by some schools (i.e. staffing levels, a lack of physical space); the difficulties and with this risks that some children experience with social distancing; vulnerabilities associated with physical health (shielding), as well as parental choice.
Families have shared some of the consequences and challenges they have experienced with their children not attending school in recent weeks, despite high levels of support and the very best efforts of schools and professionals.
As we look to an uncertain future, it is likely there will be some children and young people with SEND and complex needs, who may not be able to attend school in the coming weeks and possibly longer. In addition, there is a summer holiday approaching.
It is for this reason that I am contacting you. I am inviting parents and carers to share their views and suggestions on how they feel they and their children can be best supported in the coming weeks and possibly months, both during term time and the holidays. This includes both the ‘what’ and the ‘how’. This might relate to some of the challenges being experienced in realising the objectives of EHCPs and other plans (i.e. curriculum; health; social; emotional health; other), accessing information, advice, guidance (both for parents, carers and/or children and young people), a lack of opportunity for group support, or other areas felt to be of important to you at this time.
Parents and carers know their children best and so I would encourage you to e mail directly with your views and ideas. Please do so at the earliest opportunity and no later than Friday 19th June, 2020. My intention is that your feedback can shape and inform how the Local Authority and its partners support you at this time.
Thank you for your support With best wishes
Julian Radcliffe’
Service Director Inclusion & Family Services
‘BCP Council’ is the operational name for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council.

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