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What we’ve been up to: September 2022

September 2, 2022

New support for our families
We listen to the requirements of our families and try to be reactive to their needs which is why we have created three new roles, all who have been filled by the parents of children with a disability. Parent Liason Rhian Wootton who will support parents with issues such a schooling and accessing support. She will assist with paperwork, appeals, tribunals and will help parent/carers access benefits and entitlements. She is mum to twins and Mason is autistic.

Befriending Service
This is the brain child of mum Line Grieve who has twins with cerebral palsy. She will be a listening ear, a guide and support to parent/carers who have children who have been recently diagnosed.

Counselling service
Our lovely Hayley has left to pursue a different career path and will be sadly missed by us all. However, we are delighted to introduce you to Rebecca Leddington who will be our new Head of Councelling. Rebecca is a volunteer at Little Stars and has year’s of experience running her own counselling practice, she is mum to Imogen who had cerebral palsy.

We are SUPER SUPER PROUD of our Adam Sevenoaks. Adam is 15 years old and has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), which is a severe degenerative muscle wasting disease; the condition is now beginning to impact Adam’s daily life. To demonstrate Adam’s determination he has worked his way up through the taekwondo belts, and has achieved black belt. Over the last couple of years taekwondo has been getting more difficult due to Adam losing muscle strength in his arms, this was until the Neater Arm Supports came along, since getting them Adam has been able to be much more independent with daily tasks such as eating and has been able to continue and participate more at his taekwondo sessions.

Never one to stand still Adam decided to challenge himself to achieve a 1000 punches at taekwondo with his arm supports, and would like to raise money for Dorset Children’s Foundation (who part funded the arms) to help fund their activities for disabled children and also for For Fit Fitness (Adam’s taekwondo club) to make their outside area wheelchair friendly.

Reggie’s Big Adventure
( Reggie is Dorsey bears little cousin)
Our amazing friends at Grosvenor Carpets have spent 2 years planning and training for this challenge. They are cycling over 1000 miles to Nice!
Their trip is entirely self funded so 100% of all money raised will be spent on the children and young people we support. Follow their adventures here

Like everyone in the country we were very saddened by the death of our Queen.

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